
Archive for October, 2001


The building across from La Choza

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Falling Down

The falls, from the end of the pedestrian walkway.

I’ve been driving home near sundown the last few days. The air in the Puget Sound basin has taken on a luminous quality. When it falls on brick, there is a deep orange luster. When it filters through the trees, the reds are vivid. When it spills over the olympics, it is a cottony gold. The purple of the mountains nearly dissappear behind the soft glowing of the air. Sometimes the peaks of the mountains are obscured by shafts of light.

The falls, a little closer in. The sun is behind me, so the mist from the falls is making a rainbow at the left.

Of course, it’s nearly impossible to capture the light in a manner describable to any one else. It’s certainly hard to photograph. I’m not sure I’ll even remember it tomorrow.

The rainbow from at the side. This is a tricky picture since I'm shooting at the boundary of direct sun an deep shadow, trying to capture shimmering light floating in mid air. Not sure the exposure, but it was bracketed.

Unless it greets me tomorrow evening.

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Prime time.

Got 10.1 after 3 visits to the local apple store. At least I got to play with a dual processor machine hooked up to a cinema display while I was waiting. (Incidentially, Aqua looks horrible on lcd screens. I’m surprised that they’re so into anti-aliasing when it’s sucha bad fit to the majority of their product line – ugly antialiasing on the lcds, and not enough screen real estate on imacs.)The update can be hard to get a hold of, but it’s worth it.

  • It works with my digital camera.
  • It works with my file servers. (netatalk, Finally!)
  • It’s a lot faster. Usable on a g3. Snappy on a g4.
  • It hasn’t broken a lot of other things.

Which is enough to make me say that it’s a success. That’s not to say that things haven’t broken, I’m having trouble with quicktime and iDisk on a cleanly reformatted partition. But that’s stuff I rarely used when it was working.

I haven’t decided if I’m going to put it on my main dev machine. I have a very nice working system and I don’t want to deal with the inevitable days of delay and downtime making the conversion.

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