
Thread View #2, using pre

Attached to this message is take number two on the thread view.


Message number is the number of the message that you want threaded. It returns the html to produce something that looks about like this:


This links to the message using the poster’s username, which is shorter than their full email address, and creates the structure using preformatted text.

I like this one better since it is a much more compact system than the UL attempt.

In addition, this one has the title and author of each message in the title field of the link. This gives you a little popup windos in MSIE, nothing in netscape. This provides a little extra context that can be useful when you are deciding what to read.

1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. Commenter November 30th, 1999 1:05 pm

    Hi Eric,

    Looks really cool. I like the ‘pre’ technique as it is more compact. It does feel like having the email name show up again is redundant. If you add the full email address can you break the subject from the address into two lines in the pop up window?

    Are you ready for beta testers yet?


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