
Online course: email <-> Manila integration

Hi Eric:

As you have probably heard many times before, this is really great stuff that is going on here at wiredfool, with Frontier, Manila, the Seattle usergroup and all. For example, your connecting the user profile for you to an individual page for yourself is just one of a ton of really good ideas that you are generating. The individual page is one of the things that I am working on is encouraging Manila site users to create their own individual page at the site.

Before I get into Manila <-> email integration, I would like you to know that I very much enjoyed the Seattle goings on here at wiredfool. I took the wrong fork in the road back in 73 when I decided not to return to Seattle because everything was in the dumper with the slump at Boeings. As the net movement of people was out of town, the equity in many homes had gone negative so there were lots of nice places that one could have by taking over the monthly mortgage payment. There was even a billboard on the way out as you drove South, with a light bulb and pull chain, “will the last person to leave please turn out the light.”

Several other law types and I have an experiment in online education going at EditThisPage and have been trying to emulate the kind of Manila <-> email integration that you have been working on but with one of those freebee email-based discussion groups (mailing lists) tied into email notification. This was to be an automatic distribution, but we found that most of our participants got confused about the bulletin service offered by Manila and did not go onto sign up for the mailing list, that Manila some how was leading many participants to create many copies of their new pages, and when we fliped the main page to add a link to a new unit in the course we ended up message that duplicated the posting of the new unit as a page.

We have had to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate how we are
going to operate. But we are trying to make a go of Manila <-> email

Do you know of a Manila site that would work with us in our efforts to create an interactive, integrated Web and email, learning/discussion environment. Our experimental, nonprofit online course is targeting lawyers, mediators and other alternative dispute resolution professionals on the use of Web and other internet tools and resources to support study groups and other forms of networking.



P.S. The course is over at http://inet901.EditThisPage.com

1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. Commenter February 28th, 2000 8:12 pm

    Before I get into Manila <-> email integration, I would like you to know that I very much enjoyed the Seattle goings on here at wiredfool.

    Thanks. I’m a recent transplant to Seattle; I came out here for graduate school, and stayed for a job designing bridges. I’ve been her about 4 and a half years, and enjoyed almost all of it. The dark of December can get a little long sometimes, but the endless light of the summer makes up for it.

    We have had to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate how we are going to operate. But we are trying to make a go of Manila <-> email integration.

    I saw some of the postings on how you were doing that. I’m not sure that a third party listserver is really the appropriate way to do it, since there are some real issues in dealing with postings that may be edited, promotions to stories, and that sort of thing.

    Do you know of a Manila site that would work with us in our efforts to create an interactive, integrated Web and email, learning/discussion environment.

    Right now, no, I don’t know of a place that will help you now. I have done some basic work on this, and I think I need a couple of API changes to make it work the way that I want it to. That being said, I am working on a good email <-> manila parity and I think I can make it work, at least for sites where you can add items to the server. (i.e., not “ETP” sites, unless userland steps in). If I get the api changes that I’m looking for, you should be able to do the basic email list <-> ETP site mirroring with the help of a third party server.

    I’m going to be working on this through my job, so I’m not sure what’s going to be released when, or even when I’m going to have time to work on it.


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