
I am tired, I am weary

I could sleep for a thousand years. Perhaps going up to Arlington to see the Leonids wasn’t a good idea after spending a week of 14 hour days moving my office.

The Leonids were the best metors I’ve ever seen, better than the childhood rememberance of seeing the Persids (august) in a corn field in Iowa. But this wasn’t a storm. There were peaks of 20-30 per minute, an even mixture of fireballs and little streaks. There were a couple with long lived trails or brignt enough to wonder how close they were.

Given the mix of bright and dim, I’m guessing that we didn’t have the best darkness or seeing. Especially since my little sister went up to the San Juan Islands and laid out on the top of a hill in the middle of nowhere. She saw a storm. I’m Jealous.

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