

You may have noticed the lack of pictures lately — between not taking many and not having my home network in one location anymore it’s not as easy to upload. Those two are related, tangentially anyway.

The last two weeks have been filled with moving to Whidbey Island and getting the house in Ballard ready to sell. One weekend of painting, without the rest of the family, One weekend of packing and moving, then one more weekend of painting, cleaning, and moving. This is the first day in two weeks that one of us hasn’t crossed the ferry.

Then in a sign that something is right in our timing, the tulips in the front garden came out in the couple of days before we listed the house, and the dogwood blossoms (seen in the header banner here) aren’t far behind. It’s on the market now, and people seem interested in it.

boy, outside

dougal, outside

playing in the yard

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