
Quick Update

When I run the _fInstall script, I get an error which reads “Can’t evaluate the expression because the name “databases” hasn’t been defined.”

The quick answer is to use the “add to user.databses” command from the server menu. Then run _fInstall again.

The update is now in the rootupdates stream as well as in the install packages.


2 Comments so far

  1. Commenter May 11th, 2001 4:37 pm

    The quick answer is to use the “add to user.databses” command from the server menu. Then run _fInstall again.

    Dang, I should have known this! Just been a while since I’ve added a plug-in. :/

    Of course, it worked just fine after that. Thanks.


  2. Commenter May 11th, 2001 4:42 pm

    Dang, I should have known this! Just been a while since I’ve added a plug-in. :/

    Well, the code that failed was supposed to make it so that you didn’t have to remember that. Computers are supposed to make our lives simpler…


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