
Archive for the 'Cat' Category

Cat, with sunbeam


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Cat, no sunbeam


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The Approach:

The Reach:

The Standoff.
The Standoff

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The Most Dangerous Game

(at least, for the rodents)

The score over the last few months is: Pointy Furball: 11, Opposible Thumbs: 0.

We’re up to 11 confirmed kills of small rodents, either mice or moles, as sometimes its a little hard to tell. Most of them have been outdoor kills, a few have been indoor, and only one was not intact at time of disposal. And this is from a cat that did not know what to do with a mouse until this year, when he turned 10. We have a few traps out, but no luck in them yet.

I’m beginning to believe that cats really are a better mousetrap. As for why we have so many rodents, we’re in the country, and the previous owner of the house apparently spent a small fortune on birdseed, some of which was eaten by birds.

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100% Cat

This cat, our 10yr old resident 20lb feline couch cushion, here looking very unamused that I was coming after him with a camera, did something cat like that he hasn’t done in a long time, if ever.

He Caught a Mouse. A one piece real formerly live mouse.

He caught and played with it in the hour before we woke up this morning. As we came downstairs, he then got up, strutted over to his food bowl as if to say: “Yep. 100% Cat. I’ve still got it.” And after breakfast, time for a catnap.

Unamused Cat

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Goodbye Sweet Kitty


Jasper – 5/1998 – 7/23/2007

Jasper didn’t come in for supper last night, but he’s done that a few times. Sometime in the early morning, he crossed paths with a coyote in our back yard. It was pretty quick — it looked like he put up a fight but clearly it wasn’t enough. The world is a dangerous place, and those we love, their personality, charm, and love are just a small snack for something out there in the wild world. We buried him in his favorite box with his bowl and the supper he didn’t eat last night.

Goodbye you pointy furball. I’ll miss your escapes from the house, your kneading my stomach while I’m trying to sleep, and your constant yelling for food, even 10 minutes after being fed. I’m sure that we’ll be finding your sleeping spots for a while, still decorated with cat hair. And that will still hurt every time.

Goodbye Jasper.

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Ummm. Yeah, I guess Cat and Plant do sound alike.

So, Boy is mumbling something like “Can you get me water so I can water the plants”. Sounds reasonable, except that it’s 7:30 am, I’m pre-coffee, and he’s in his jammies and welly boots, and he’s got a watering can.

Then I see the cat run across the yard. And think, hmmmm? Did he really say that he wanted to water the cat?

And he’s chasing the cat. With a watering can.

A little later, he’s found the bigger watering can, and the cat is nowhere to be seen.
Jammies. Check. Boots. Check. Watering Can. Check

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The cat likes brussels sprouts

The cat likes brussels sprouts

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