
membership required

This plugin looks like it will do exactly what I need.

Being very new to Frontier I might not have installed it properly.
I dropped it in Frontier->Guest Databases->apps and double-clicked it.

It can now be enabled via the Manila plugin interface.

When I go to submit “membership required” I get the error

“Sorry! There was an error: Can’t evaluate the expression because the name “Support” hasn’t been defined.
The error was detected by Frontier 7.0.1 in mainResponder.respond. Webmaster: gchaple@cintraworks.co.uk. Time: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 22:11:52 GMT. ”

I have done anything obviously wrong?

1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. Commenter July 24th, 2001 5:30 am

    Ah, I got it to work.
    I had created the site as “example” ,but the through Prefs->Appearance->PageHeader->Sitename I had change this to “Support”.

    Once I change back to “example” all is well

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