
Archive for January, 2002


The spice of the month is Chipotle. Or rather, of the last month or two. I just keep finding my self thinking about a list of ingredients, and then assuming chipotle will make it even better.

For those of you who might not know, chipotle is a roasted jalapeno, ground into a powder, with a deep, hot smoky flavor.

The latest ‘everything goes better with chipotle’ entries are brown mushroom, garlic and chipotle pizza, potato and corn chowder, and potatoes with ginger, soy sauce and chipotle.

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It’s real

Another Fern Shot

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Css Bookmarks

For further study:


this list assembled while being accosted by a cat wanting attention.

one full body cat massage later…



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Spider Web on a Fern.

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Radiating Coolness…

Radio 8 is nearly out. It’s cool. I want it. I had it, and I was working on it last night.

When my beta/trial version expired. While I was working on the Radio Wiredfool template and css.

I’d say more better things about it, but the best thing I can think of now is: “Open the store!”

*** Update

It appears that the store is open. Am I the first to get a serial?

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Bad Jazz Standards

It’s gone bad, and that ain’t good.
Don’t clean it out much any more.
Too Darn Old
It had to be Blue
I’m beginning to see the light. — The refrigerator quintet.

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Well, I guess Apple isn’t going to bail me out by approximating Moore’s law. Bummer.

And while I’m complaining, 1024×768 isn’t enough real estate for OSX. Other than that, an 800 Mhz g4 iLamp looks pretty cool. 2x the speed and 1/2 the real estate of my desktop machine.

So how long before there’s a hacked version of the original pixar short, with an iLamp jumping around and then looking at the camera. It could be pretty cute. And also the attractor of a cease and desist order.

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Been doing infrastructure programming recently. Basically trying to make sure that that light at the end of the tunnel is not a train. Since I’m not to the end of the tunnel yet, and it’s just something in software, I theoretically have the control to turn it into a ray of sunshine. But I digress.

I’ve been working on big table support for frontier. There’s a point in Frontier where big tables (> 10k items) become a performance bottleneck, and I’m trying to move that point out a couple of orders of magnitude, or at least far enough that other concerns dominate. I’m aiming for predictable performance for all tables, better performance for tables > 5k items, and reasonable performance for smaller ones. I also want it to be reasonably painless to integrate this with existing apps.

It’s actually not that hard to partition and nest tables in userspace, but it’s taking some rewriting of apps to really make it happen. And that’s the sticky part.

I hope to release the code soon, once the api stabilizes and I can call the core 1.0.

river ice on a tree branch, tulane road, va

PS to apple: dual 1ghz @ ~$2k would help with that oncoming train thing.


Movies of the year

The Best movies of the year. These are ones that I remember coming out this year in Seattle. (NY/LA premiers don’t count.) :

  • Memento (sleeper category)– It ran through my mind for a long while after the show. I think I finally figured out that everything could be as it seems. Or maybe not. I also saw an earlier film by the same director (Chris Nolan) Following, which had the same mastery of the final act. Just as it winds down, when you’ve just gotten to empathize with the protaganist, you see just how badly he’s trapped himself.
  • O Brother Where Art Thou (hollywood?)– For some reason this goofy earthy movie got stuck in my mind. Maybe it’s the music, maybe it’s the directors.
  • Amelie (foreign) — A very French movie. The camera just loves the lead actress (Audrey Tautou).
  • Lord of the Rings (epic) — It will get better with another watching. Details just are, they aren’t explained. The movie captured the epic scope of the myths of the world in earlier ages. Maybe I’m reacting to reading the book for the first time this year, but the movie certainly held up its end of the deal.

    Other Movies worth seeing:

  • Startup.com — It hit a little close to home. Almost everything looked far too familiar. Search engines that were just wrong. Ship dates passing. Stupid VC tricks.
  • Together — Sweedish Hippies. A touching story about porridge. Communisim. Sex.
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  • Stupid Mac Tricks

    In the contest for the silliest thing to hapen to a mac in 2001, I give you Skwonk!. For those of you with osX 10.1 and an administrator password, this program will sniff your network and play sounds for the different types of traffic. I believe it’s filesharing that’s triggering the cow in the lower 40. (Something like this has existed for u*ix for a while, but that doesn’t dent the silliness factor)

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