
Moving Manila — The Frontier-side Scripts

These three scripts are the Manila server side counterparts to the getPics, getShortcuts, and getPosts scripts in the MvManila 2.5 package.

Of these, I’d recommend using the shortcut one if possible, since it is a faithful port of the originals, which are hampered by the one big rpc call to get all the shortcuts in one go.

The picture one creates the same file as the original, but does not extract the binary images. I’m using static image hosting, so there really was no need to extract them from the database. This might not work properly for you if you’re not using static image serving.

And finally, the getPosts. It’s the least faithful, and if you’ve got a newer Manila site, you may not need it. I skipped all news items, since in my site they were a really funky calendar of upcoming events. Comments are rare on my site, so all the commenter’s names became ‘Commenter’, but their emails were preserved for the admin. If you need it, it’s probably a good start, but it’s assembly required. I needed this because quite a lot of my posts just didn’t make it through the xml-rpc interface.

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