

OMG WordPress 2.2. Upgraded to it a few evenings ago, and just tried to post for the first time. I’ve just lost 5 minutes of my life trying to get the last post to show multiple paragraphs instead of just mashing into one while using Safari to edit. Sometimes I miss <a href=’http://www.userland.com/manila’>Manila</a>. I got real tired of hosting it and keeping it running, as it was forked from Manila of 5 years ago. But dammit, it tended to actually do what I meant it to do most of the time.

Edit: That actually looked coherent in the visual editor. I’m going to leave it as a protest. WTF kind of weblogging software doesn’t accept typed in links?

Oh, and furthermore, it’s painfully slow getting to the admin pages in Safari if you’re not using the Webkit Nightlies. Painful. in. my. default. browser.

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